by rekha fcs | Jun 23, 2022 | Microsoft 365 Services
Microsoft Teams Business Voice Microsoft 365 Business Voice makes it easy for small and medium organizations to turn Microsoft Teams into a powerful and flexible telephone system. It’s a replacement for traditional telephony providers and in-house phone systems...
by | May 19, 2022 | Microsoft 365 Services
What Microsoft Does Protect? Office 365 has some built-in data protection to ensure that you never lose your current data. In Exchange Online and Microsoft Teams, for example, Database Availability Groups (DAGs) help achieve data protection, four Exchange servers each...
by | May 13, 2022 | Microsoft 365 Services
Microsoft Teams Business Voice Microsoft 365 Business Voice makes it easy for small and medium organizations to turn Microsoft Teams into a powerful and flexible telephone system. It’s a replacement for traditional telephony providers and in-house phone systems...
by | May 6, 2022 | Microsoft 365 Services
Do we need continued access to the departing employee’s inbox? When you delete a user profile in Microsoft 365, you lose access to the user’s inbox, and data residing there. This may be past communications or key contacts. You can restore the inbox for 30 days before...